The heart murmurs are something very fascinating ! At one time, I found it so fascinating that I thought of becoming a cardiologist. But it seems now that echo becomes the trend. Medical students need to know the murmurs well, not forgetting those who are sitting for the MRCP exam.
Pansystolic murmur at apex - axilla = Mitral regurgitation
Mid diastolic murmur at apex, best on L lateral position = Mitral stenosis
Early diastolic murmur at LSE, best on sitting up on expiration = Aortic regurgitation
Ejection systolic murmur at aortic, radiating to the carotids = Aortic stenosis
Pansystolic murmur at tricuspid, best on inspiration = Tricuspid regurgitation
Pansystolic murmur at LSE, 3rd intercostal space = Ventricular septal defect(VSD)
Ejection systolic murmur at pulmonary area, with wide fixed split S2 = Atrial septal defect(ASD)
Continuous murmur = Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Memorise it medical students !!
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