This patient has a sharply demarcated oval plaque over the shin. The lesion has shiny atrophic surface and a waxy yellow centre and brownish-red edges.
The diagnosis is necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum.
It is associated with diabetes
Differential diagnosis include
Granuloma annulare
Nodular vasculitis
Localised scleroderma/sarcoidosis
Treatment includes steroids(topical or local injection), severe cases can be treated with excision and skin grafting.
Other skin lesions in diabetics :
Diabetic dermopathy
Infective(Boils, candidiasis)
Foot/leg ulcers
Fat atrophy/hypertrophy
Acanthosis nigricans
Peripheral anhidrosis
Chlorpropamide alcohol flush
Bullosis diabeticorum tends to arise in patients with long-standing diabetes mellitus or with multiple complications of the disease. It has been reported to occur in approximately 0.5% of diabetic patients. Patients with uncomplicated or newly diagnosed disease, including type 2 diabetes, also may be affected.
this is a picture of Bullosis diabeticorum
with my regards the same anonymous
Thanx for sharing your knowledge about Cause, Symptoms and Treatment Necrobiosis Lipoidica
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