Thursday, January 29, 2009


Can you decide during the PACES MRCP exam whether the R eye is having exopthalmos or the L eye is having ptosis ?
Do you need to toss the coin to decide this in the exam.....50% right, 50% wrong.

If you see the neck you may see a goitre but again...don't be fooled as Graves disease may coexist with myasthenia gravis as both of them are autoimmune disease

One technique to know fast is think logically -
If you see this patient in Station 3(Neuro) - the possibility of L ptosis is higher
If you see this patinet in Station 5(Endocrine) - the possibility of R exopthalmos is higher

So, in Station 3, you would check the eyes as if it was approach to ptosis and if in Station 5 you would check the eyes and look for signs of thyrotoxicosis.

This patient actually has Graves disease.


Anonymous said...

Is there a proper way to examine for exophthalmos?

Wuchereria said...

Examine from the side or behind