Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Rule Of Thumb In Learning Medicine

A few rule(s) of thumb for my dear students whom I wish them to be excellent clinicians in future.

  1. Medicine is learnt by the bedside, not in the classroom, and certainly not AT HOME!
  2. One must know what's normal before being able to appreciate the abnormal (hence, make sure to examine enough normal individuals before examining real patients!)
  3. History-taking is a sensitive but non-specific clinical tool.
  4. Physical examination, on the other hand, is a specific and non-sensitive clinical tool. Both will complement each other and hence their much deserved emphasis in your early years of clinical training:)
  5. And lastly, if you are not sure of a sign, it is NOT THERE. Avoiding words like 'maybe', 'a little bit', 'slightly', 'could be' etc is much appreciated!

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