Friday, July 1, 2011


What is shown in the picture ?
How would you examine this patient ?


Anonymous said...

It is a petechial rash. Look for any neurological signs.

Wuchereria said...

Why neurological signs ?? Are you thinking of TTP ?

Yes, this patient has Petechial rash. You may get this in Station 5 and if you concentrate on neurology....then you are going the wrong direction.

I would say at least 80% of the time, it is abdomen which you need to tackle.
So proceed by
1) Checking the eyes for jaundice/pallor
2) check oral cavity for tonsils and oral thrush/ulcers
3) Check the abdomen for hepatosplanomegaly
4)Check for lymphoadenopathy
5) Check temperature for evidence of infection
6) Check for any transfusion nearby

You are most likely dealing with a platelet disorder, most of the time thrombocytopenia.

This patient has myelodysplatic syndrome with a platelet count of 10