Sunday, March 29, 2009

ECG Quiz

What abnormality is shown ?

What is the underlying problem ?

What is your management ?


shuyu said...

Going to give it a try:)
1. Presence of prominent u wave(not sure is the t wave is flattened??)

2. Pathological u wave-can be due to hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnasaemia and hypothyroidism.
u wave is seen in healthy people if the t wave is not flatten

3. Check U&E, thyroid function test

Huicy said...

1. presence of U wave, flattening of T wave esp on the II lead with prolonged QT interval.

2. Hypokalemia

3. Potassium cloride 10% 10 mL in 100 ml NS infusion over 1 hour.
and find the cause

vimala said...

1: U wave present.

2: Hypokalemia.

3: Potassium replacement.

vimala said...

Well,i think the T WAVE is not flattened and the QT interval is not prolonged either.{Please correct me if am wrong} :)

borsch said...

2:1 block

ischemic heart disease/acute carditis/digoxin/BB

treat according to etiology.
symptoms of hypoperfusion- atropine/isoprenaline?

Anonymous said...

i say....

presence of u-wave, check for serum electrolytes (?hypokalemia)

Anonymous said...

i say....

presence of u-wave, check for serum electrolytes (?hypokalemia)

dr.bharat sachdev said...

As presented by ECG
?increase PR interval?
Depression of ST-segment
and prominent U-waves
indicates conduction defectand
ischemia potassium or other
ions imbalance-